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Paul G. Kostro, Esq.

Physical excellence to match your academic excellence -- VERY impressive; Congratulations!

Dylan Wiek

Awesome! I just found my new desktop background.

Michael Marx

That is an awesome photo! Thanks for sharing this bit of personal history with us. I had my first laugh out loud today and I haven't even been on You Tube yet!


Great photo, I only wish my OFSAA experience was as good as that one! Do you think you would of won by more with a more aerodynamic haircut?


You would have ran a 4:00 flat if you didn't have that hair. :)

Eric Olsen

that's incredible! now i'm jealous of you from every angle!


I remember Dave Reid because he was the guy to beat in those days. Bruce Vickers was our school's great hope to beat Dave.

I did a 4:04 once, but it was only for 1000m.

Kathrina L. Rashid, Ph.D.

That's a great photo! I would NEVER share any photos of me at age 14, especially not from any of my own angst-filled 800m races during those days. Not even if I had won!! Thanks, Malcolm!


-Big fan first time 'poster'

-Love the pic

-I grew up in the thumb of Michigan directly west of where you grew up

-I also ran track (retired at college level),have a pile of 2nd and 3rd place medals, and should have had your vision of early retirement!

Chris Sturdy

Cool shot. I knew that you won OFSSA for a middle distance race but didn't know or remember the details. It looks like an amazing finish! I ran track in high school but never made it to OFSSA - maybe I should have retired early too!


Canadians make the funniest faces!


I'm disappointed; Stalker Sailor Steve hasn't weighed in yet explaining how this was far from your greatest triumph, or perhaps not even a triumph at all.


Great photo Malcolm. You were not willing to put 10,000 hours thats why you retired very. Kidding!I have asked this question, million times, when will your next book come out?


Great photo Malcolm. You were not willing to put 10,000 hours thats why you retired very early. Kidding!I have asked this question, million times, when will your next book come out?


Proof that wind resistance doesn't really make a difference.


That is one amazingly funny picture. It brought a huge smile to my phase.


Runners Focus and Think. Even daydream and come up with great ideas, solutions to tricky questions somewhere around mile 6 on the trail. Then race day and all that matters is the line. Awesome picture!

Ukpetenan Frank Obehi

Hi. I just finished reading your book - Outliers and it was really fascinating.
I'm a Nigerian and i then began to see how some successful people here were fortunate to be born/raised in the period they were.
I will immediately buy the rest of your books and read especially The Tipping Point.
I really like your ideas and i think you're an oulier!!
Hope to meet you someday........Cheers


Won by and Fro!


Gladwell is a "4 oh 5" miler!! My water cooler will be impressed.

David Baeckelandt

But was that a result of 'nature' or 'nurture'??!!

Estefania de Amorin, iker Salomon, Carolina Parili, Avigail Benhayoun

Gladys Rodriguez is a renowned journalist who works in a television station by the name of “Globovisión” as narrator on prime time. She is a communications professional in Venezuela and has worked in various broadcasting stations; such as “Venevision” where she began her career as an anchorwoman. Also, she worked in news agencies, and in a radio station. Gladys Rodriguez studied Social Communication at the “Universidad Católica Andrés Bello” in Caracas Venezuela. She graduated in audiovisual mention but has worked as a journalist most of her professional life.
This woman, passionate about her work, gave a speech at “Universidad Monteávila”, where she said how she began in the media world, about her success at work and ways to consider on how to reach that success. Gladys stated that in life one of the things that we should never say it’s NO to opportunities, because you never know which one will lead to your success. If there is any way or any offer that may help achieve improvement in the future, we shouldn´t let it pass us by. We have to get the most out of each situation and learn a lot so we can use this knowledge in upcoming opportunities. With knowledge, experiences, situations and others, you form a true professional.
The book “Outliers” talks about the importance of the environment as a key to succes in the professional area. If a person is surrounded by an environment that offers: opportunitites, social benefits such as interacting with people related to something in specific, etc, that someone can become successful.
There might be two people from the same sex with the same capacities (intellectually speaking), with the same preparation but with two environments completely different.
In this case, according to Gladwell, even if both give the best of themselves to reach success, maybe one can have more opportunities to shine than the other thanks to the environment.

Gladys Rodriguez shares with us her personal experience. She states that to be successful you need 40% of talent and the other 60% will be given to you by the conditions you are surrounded by. She agrees with Gladwell about how the environment might affect you, but she doesn't leave apart and higlights that the 40% depends from the 60% and viceversa.
The environment might help to speed thing up but it's extremely important to be talented. If a professional doesn't show all his potential, works with dedication, respect and responsibility, no opportunity will come just because he has the “perfect conditions”. Each person should give the best of themselves, study as much as he or she cans, work with responsibility. Gladys says that thanks to her capacities she is the person we all see today.


I've been watching a few of your talks and interviews on the net.
(you talk a lot of sense)
I was inspired to this...


Jordans 3

The blog article very surprised to me! Your writing is good. In this I learned a lot! Thank you

Conrad Doss

I see your hairstyle hasn't changed.

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  • I'm a writer for the New Yorker magazine, and the author of four books, "The Tipping Point: How Little Things Make a Big Difference", "Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking" and "Outliers: The Story of Success." My latest book, "What the Dog Saw" is a compilation of stories published in The New Yorker. I was born in England, and raised in southwestern Ontario in Canada. Now I live in New York City.

    My great claim to fame is that I'm from the town where they invented the BlackBerry. My family also believes (with some justification) that we are distantly related to Colin Powell. I invite you to look closely at the photograph above and draw your own conclusions.

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